Thursday, 22 March 2012

21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street
Written by kids for kids! If you are old enough to remember the 80’s series then you will not enjoy this. This is gross out comedy and IT IS NOT FUNNY!!

Bits I liked:
Lego bow tie (I challenge you to find it!)
Original cast members doing cameos (They stole the show in the five
minutes screen time they had! Much love to Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise as the
original Doug Penhall and Tom Hanson who are not even credited!)
Ice Cube as Captain Dickson
How much school has changed in seven years
Stages of high from drugs
The password for geeks and the pretend light saber fight)
Eminem start (will the real slim shady please stand up

Bits I hated:
Swearing – especially the MF word
A teacher picking up his dick with his mouth
Trying too hard to be funny
The wimpy green kids (is it really so cool to be that green?)
Most of the rest of it

It has moments when it is good but the laughs are aimed at an audience who are much younger than myself. (There were people laughing but I was not sure if they were drunk or if it was the film).

Verdict: It’s marmite. You will either love it or hate it depending on which side of 30 you are!

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